
Integrity Restored Podcast with Jim O'Day
Nicholas Honyara, MS, & Richmond Parsons, MS joined Jim O'Day on November 2, 2021
What happens when two law enforcement professionals look for a better way to help porn addicts and offenders heal? In this episode, Jim is joined by Rick and Nick of RAN Consulting to discuss how their program may be part of the overall healing journey needed to help prevent offenses and addiction rather than need to punish.

Applying the Self-Regulation Model to Community Supervision
Featured article by Nicholas Honyara, MS, Richmond Parsons, MS and Ronald Ricci, PhD
The Self-Regulation Model (SRM) was introduced by Ward and colleagues as an alternative approach to the traditional relapse prevention model for the treatment of sexual abusers (Ward, Hudson & Keenan, 1998). While surveys show that this model has been embraced by the majority of treatment providers, it seems many probation and parole officers have limited understanding of SRM [...]
Montgomery County (PA) Veterans Treatment Court Recognizes Unique Needs of Veterans
Featured article by Nicholas Honyara, MS, Richmond Parsons, MS and Ronald Ricci, PhD
There are currently more than 23 million veterans in the United States.1 Studies have indicated that many of these veterans have symptoms of mental disorders (20 percent) or a substance abuse disorder (25 percent). In 2010, veterans accounted for 20 percent of suicides nationwide, with incarcerated veterans being the highest risk.3 Even though veterans are no more likely than the general population to get involved in the criminal justice system [...]

Over the last couple of years, after reading several articles and attending many presentations there seems to be common theme developing that we should not allow sex offenders, especially those where the underlining offense involves a computer, access to the Internet. In a field where we commonly use the terms evidenced based practices and best practices, we are encouraging our colleagues to re-examine their position and start an educated debate on what should be “best practices”. Even though there may be some research related to outlying factors, there is unfortunately very limited research specific to this issue [...]

The Child Abuse Material Instrument (CAMI): Collecting and Utilizing Forensic Data in Child Pornography Cases
by Richmond Parsons, Nicholas Honyara, David L. Delmonico, Ph.D., M.A., LMFT and Elizabeth J. Griffin, M.A., LMFT
Since the early 2000s a concerted effort has been made by law enforcement agencies to target individuals who view, possess, receive, distribute and produce child sexual abuse material (also referred to as child pornography). In the federal criminal system, an estimated 1,713 offenders were arrested for crimes related to child pornography possession or distribution in 2000 (Wolak, Finkelhor, Mitchell, 2005), and by 2006 there was an estimated 3,672 arrests for similar crimes (Wolak, Finkelhor, Mitchell, 2011). As a result, probation officers nationwide have witnessed a significant and steady increase in the number of child pornography offenders on their caseload [...]
Inside the issue:
1. Should Sex Offenders Have Access to the Internet
2. 6th Annual MARATSA Conference Guest Speaker Paul Martin Andrews
3. 6th Annual MARATSA Conference information
4. Important MARATSA Information